Frontline events

July 14, 2008

Kim Sengupta talks to Ahmed Rashid

[video:brightcove:1657894487] Ahmed Rashid spoke recently at the Frontline Club with the BBCs Lyse Doucet and today it’s another Frontline Club member’s turn Kim Sengupta. He talks to the fighter turned foreign correspondent in The Independent today. He recalls how the Pakistani authorities banned him from working and the Taliban said he must be killed, “It […]

July 8, 2008

Live tonight: Misha Glenny on McMafia

Misha Glenny, author of McMafia, will be in conversation with the BBCs Paul Kenyon tonight at the Frontline Club. You can watch, listen and join in on our live video channel from 7.30pm UK time. I’ll send out a Twitter message as we go live – please sign up for our Twitter updates if you […]

June 26, 2008

Frontline Club live – Making it pay

Live tonight from the Frontline Club, 7.30pm UK time. A debate about the economic model for online newspapers. Follow the livestream here. More information below, UPDATE: Here’s the recording of this event. And here are some images. As the internet fast becomes the dominant medium for news delivery, we look at the relationships between print […]

June 25, 2008

Insight with Alan Rusbridger LIVE

You can now watch the event here.  Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian, will be livestreaming from the Frontline Club tonight. Stephen Sackur, BBC TVs HardTalk presenter, will be interviewing the editor about the highs and lows of a career as one of the longest standing Fleet Street editors, What have been the high and […]

June 17, 2008

Live tonight: Philip Gourevitch on Iraq

Download this episode View in iTunes You can now view the event here. Philip Gourevitch, author, journalist and longtime staff writer of the New Yorker will be talking about Iraq, Abu Ghraib and his most recent book, Standard Operating Procedure, with the journalist Nick Fielding at the Frontline Club tonight. More details on the event […]

June 16, 2008

Live tonight: Sorious Samura screening & discussion

African journalist and film maker Sorious Samura will screen his latest film at the Frontline Club tonight and you can watch the live stream of the film and the discussion afterwards on our ustream channel. The event starts at 7.30pm UK time. There’s more information on the event here. How effective are foreign based charities […]

June 13, 2008

Joseph E. Stiglitz interviewed live tonight

Live tonight from the Frontline club in London: Joseph E. Stiglitz, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics, and author of The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict, talks to Stephanie Flanders, BBC Economic Editor, about the real cost of the Iraq war. Tune in to the Frontline Club […]

June 11, 2008

Are the Taliban winning?

Live streaming video from the Frontline Club events room tonight. Just click the image above to go to the live channel page at 7.30pm UK time, 11 June. Taking part will be Alastair Leithead (BBC), James Fergusson (journalist and author), James Appathurai (NATO), John D McHugh (photojournalist) and Mawlavi Abdulsalam Zaeef (Taliban) The British death […]

June 9, 2008

Lebanon – Civil War or Ceasefire?

View in iTunes [video:brightcove:1593347291] Lebanon was debated at the Frontline Club last week. And we have the video of the event above. Taking part are; Ian Black, The Guardian’s Middle East editor, Alistair Harris, an independent security consultant, former UK diplomat and UN staff member based in Lebanon, Dr. Jonathan Spyer is a senior research […]

June 9, 2008

Dinner with Mugabe

You can now watch the event here. The Zimbabwe election runoff vote is set for June 27. Last week author Heidi Holland was at the Frontline Club to talk about her book, Dinner with Mugabe. The book attempts to unravel the mind behind the man who runs the corrupt regime of Zimbabwe. Adam Roberts from […]

June 5, 2008

dispatches set for launch

Dispatches, the new current affairs journal, launches at the Frontline Club tomorrow night – Friday 6 June at 8pm. It’s a quarterly publication focussing on global issues, in-depth reportage and superb photography. You are all invited to the launch, so come along if you can make it, Gary Knight, Simba Gill and Mort Rosenblum would […]

June 1, 2008

Inside Burma

[video:brightcove:1579853638] Discussion about Burma from the Frontline Club this week. The questions on the table, What is the situation in the worst affected areas and how much aid is actually getting through? And what is the relationship between the military junta and the international community? link Taking part are; Ashley South, he visited the country […]

May 25, 2008

Alex de Waal on the Darfur crisis

You can now watch the event here.   Alex de Waal, author of Darfur: a Short History of a Long War, talks about the history of Darfur, its conflicts, and what the future holds in store at the Frontline Club. In conversation with Nima Elbagir from More4 News and a reporter for Unreported World. She […]

May 22, 2008

Ray Fitzwalter: the rise and fall of ITV

Download this episode View in iTunes Ray Fitzwalter, executive producer of World in Action and author of The Dream that Died – the rise and fall of ITV – talks about his book at the Frontline Club.

May 22, 2008

Congo Season: Media Talk -Lifting the Curse

You can now watch the event here.    Are Congo’s natural resources to be found at the root of the nations problems or do they offer a key to its future development? Taking part in the debate at the Frontline Club are Muzong Kodi, a research fellow at the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Tricia […]

May 19, 2008

Andrew Keen admits failure

Andrew Keen came to London with a motion some called ludicrous – Is new media killing journalism? – debate ensued at the Frontline Club and in today’s Independent he admits, he lost. It was my job to argue that the internet is killing journalists. To cut a long debate short, I lost. It was my […]

May 19, 2008

In the picture with Marcus Bleasdale

[video:brightcove:1557911521] Photographer Marcus Bleasdale talks about his work in the Democratic Republic of Congo at the Frontline Club during Congo Season. Marcus has worked in Congo over the past ten years so. He originally went there to see if the cliche was true. We’ve interviewed Marcus on the blog before.

May 16, 2008

Frontline Club Spring party

It’s the Frontline Club annual party tonight… and I can’t be there. Wrong country at the wrong time etc. If, like me, you’re not in the UK and you can’t be there either, you might fancy a blast through the past. Click the above image of Frontline’s Rory Peck with Ahmed Shah Massud in Afghanistan […]

May 14, 2008

Susan Schulman on Congo

[video:youtube:rnW3ZnU3mSo] The Press Gazette picks up on the Frontline Club Congo season, which runs until May 16, and the work of Susan Schulman, whose photographs were used to help produce the Congo season video above. In the article, Schulman also talks about her work for Guardian Weekly and Channel 4 and the difficulty in getting […]

May 5, 2008

Is new media (still) killing journalism?

[video:brightcove:1534611482] The World Press Freedom day discussion from the Frontline Club is now available. Is new media really killing journalism? Well, is it?

May 5, 2008

The real Africa

[video:brightcove:1534611483] The Real Africa was the topic of one of the debates at the Frontline Club last week. Africa, a continent made up of 53 independent nations, and yet as moderator Joel Kibazo points out, “If you look at it through the western media there aare the same issues and the same stories: Zimbabwe, the […]

May 2, 2008

Is new media killing journalism?

Panelists at New Media is Killing Journalism? debate, originally uploaded by Nico Macdonald. Nico Macdonald has blogged his notes from the “Is new media killing journalism?” debate that took place at the Frontline Club this morning. Meanwhile the Guardian’s Kevin Anderson is nonplussed by the whole affair. We’ll have the video of the event up […]

May 1, 2008

Congo Season

[video:youtube:rnW3ZnU3mSo] Between 6th – 16th May the Frontline Club is hosting a Congo Season. The club has put together a short video highlighting the main issues in present day Congo. There are a number of interesting discussions scheduled and I’ll be uploading video from the season as it becomes available. Here’s what’s coming up May […]

April 30, 2008

Where next for Zimbabwe?

[video:brightcove:1529447593] The latest debate from the Frontline Club is now online. Following the farcical election in Zimbabwe, the panel discuss the next steps for Zimbabwe. Journalists Patrick Smith from Africa Confidential, Laura Lynch, CBC radio reporter, as well as Tererai Karimakweda of SW Radio Africa and Catherine Phelp who talks live from Zimbabwe talk about […]

April 27, 2008

Judah Passow on Israel and the Palestinians

[video:brightcove:1522869105] Judah Passow, one of the leading UK based photojournalists, presents images from over 25 years covering the Middle East was at the Frontline Club. He discusses his pictures and how they demonstrate the complex human reality that exists on both sides of the divide.

April 23, 2008

Andrew Gilligan discusses journalism

  Download this episode View in iTunes You can now watch the event here.  Andrew Gilligan, former BBC Radio 4 Defence and Diplomatic Correspondent, Journalist of the year 2008 and the man at the centre of the Hutton Inquiry and the “sexing up” scandal, told his side of the story at the Frontline Club last […]

April 21, 2008

Does the West love to hate China?’

[video:brightcove:1509865726] With recent events in Tibet raising questions about international support for the Olympics, a recent panel debate at the Frontline club discusses the possibility of boycott. The panellists are Shirong Chen from the BBC World Service, Tom Porteous of Human Rights Watch, The Guardian’s Simon Tisdall and Liu Weimin from the Chinese Embassy. Isabel […]

April 18, 2008

Seamus Murphy snapping the Taliban

[video:brightcove:1498976068] Seamus Murphy photographed the effects of the Taliban regime between 1994 and 2006. The “poet with a camera” recently talked about his work at the Frontline Club with Jocelyn Bain-Hogg. Well worth a watch.

April 11, 2008

The News Carers – are aid groups doing too much newsgathering?

You can now watch the event here. The Frontline Club’s second sell out event in New York is now online. The focus is on aid groups role in the media and whether or not the media relies too much upon aid groups and NGOs to get the story out in words, pictures and video. John […]

April 10, 2008

Edward Lucas on the new cold war

[video:youtube:VmSu9Z9XihU] Edward Lucas talks with the BBC’s Olexiy Solohubenko about Russia at the Frontline Club. Edward works for The Economist and is based in Eastern Europe and keeps an excellent blog here. He talks about Russia’s increasing military muscle, its use of energy politics to pursue its international agenda and the affect of a resurgent […]