Panama Papers

Tuesday 23rd January, 2018, 7:00 PM

From Panama to Paradise: The Power of Collaboration in Investigative Journalism

The Panama Papers, The Paradise Papers, The 2016/2017 Football Leaks – Good collaborative journalism is now more important than ever. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism explore the different models that journalists are using to write these explosive stories.

Friday 1 July 2016, 7:00 PM

Panama Papers: The Inside Story with Frederik Obermaier & Bastian Obermayer

Late one evening, investigative journalist Bastian Obermayer received an anonymous message offering him access to secret data. Through encrypted channels, he subsequently received documents revealing how the president of Argentina had sequestered millions of dollars of state money for private use. This was just the beginning – Obermayer and fellow Süddeutsche journalist Frederik Obermaier soon found themselves immersed in a secret world where complex networks of shell companies help the super-rich to hide their money.

We will be joined by Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier to hear the inside story of what Edward Snowden has called “the biggest leak in the history of data journalism.”

May 13, 2016

Whistleblowers and Bounty Hunters: Combating Corruption and Organised Crime

“They used to describe Tsarist Russia as monarchy moderated by assassination but now it seems to be total secrecy moderated by insane leaks.”