
Monday 4 July 2016, 7:00 PM

Understanding Salafi-Jihadism: The History of an Idea

Although the ideology is little understood, salafi-jihadism has played a profound role in shaping global politics in recent years. With the unprecedented territorial gains and political rise of groups such as Al-Qaeda and Daesh, islamist extremism has become the most significant socio-religious force of our time. Join us to discuss the origins and evolution of the ideas behind salafi-jihadism, as well as its primary aims and growing prominence in recent years.

January 26, 2016

Guantanamo’s Child: Omar Khadr and Camp Gitmo

By Ayman al-Juzi On Friday 22 January 2016, a panel joined a packed audience at the Frontline Club for a lively discussion following the London premiere screening of Michelle Shephard‘s Guantanamo’s Child. With unprecedented access to former fellow prisoners, family members and government officials, the documentary explores the political and ethical implications of the harrowing case of […]

April 16, 2015

Sudden Justice: America’s Secret Drone War

By Graham Lanktree Since the attacks of 11 September 2001, drones, or as the military prefers to call them “unmanned aerial vehicles,” have winged from an obscure surveillance tool to a central weapon in conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia. To explain why, investigative journalist and Martha Gellhorn Journalism Prize-winner Chris Woods spoke […]

Monday 9 March 2015, 7:00 PM

Screening: Silenced + Q&A

What happened to the man who exposed the CIA’s use of waterboarding? And what are the consequences of making public illegal intelligence gathering techniques by the US government? In this revealing documentary, three prominent whistleblowers explain how everything radically changed after 9/11. This screening will be followed by a Q&A with director James Spione.

October 31, 2014

CITIZENFOUR: Snooping and security

By Max Hallam On Wednesday 29 October, the Frontline Club held a special preview screening of documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras’s new film CITIZENFOUR ahead of its UK cinematic release on Friday 31 October. While working on a documentary trilogy about post 9/11 America, Poitras began to receive encrypted emails from a subject known only as […]

Wednesday 24 September 2014, 7:00 PM

From Al Qaeda to ISIS: Terrorists Tactics

Thirteen years on from the 9/11 terrorist attack on the US by Al Qaeda, how has the organisation evolved around the world and what are its links with developing groups such a ISIS and al-Shabaab? A panel of experts will be joining us to examine the tactics and strategies these affiliated groups have developed and what is being done to combat them.

July 10, 2013

In Surveillance We Trust?

By Jim Treadway The world is coming to grips with the depth and scale of government surveillance following revelations, released by whistleblower Edward Snowden, about the US’s National Security Agency (NSA) Prism program. On 9 July a panel of experts convened at the Frontline Club to debate the balance between personal privacy and national security.

February 8, 2013

Talks between Tehran and Moscow, Obama’s State of the Union, and elections in Ecuador make for another busy international week

By Jasper Wenban-Smith, international editor of ForesightNews. A round up of world news in the week ahead from journalist resource ForesightNews. Monday 11 February Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi is due in Moscow for two days of talks with Russian counterparts, likely to include civil nuclear cooperation as well as the upcoming talks on […]

September 21, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: UN General Assembly’s General Debate

By Jasper Smith, senior international and security affairs reporter, ForesightNews USA Once a year, the world’s leaders descend on New York for the UN’s blue ribbon event, the cumbersomely-titled UN General Assembly’s General Debate. This year, the build-up has been dominated by the Palestinian Authority’s planned bid to become the 194th member of the UN, […]

September 8, 2011

A decade of wrong decisions and damaging policies

Watch the event here. By Sara Elizabeth Williams The West’s reaction to 9/11 was excessive and misguided, wrongly influenced by hubris, hysteria and ignorance. Ten years on, we are still mired in a mess largely of our own making. Last night’s First Wednesday Special: Changing world – conflict, culture and terrorism in the 21st century, which […]

September 7, 2011 7:00 PM

FIRST WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: Changing world – conflict, culture and terrorism in the 21st century



To mark ten years since the terrorists attacks on the United States, the Frontline Club is holding a special event to look at the extent to which 9/11 has defined our world today and will continue to shape our future.

September 2, 2011

Changing world – conflict, culture and terrorism in the 21st century

To mark ten years since the terrorist attacks on the United States, the Frontline Club, in association with the BBC’s Arabic service, is holding a special event to look at how 11 September 2001 has defined our world today and will continue to shape our future. We will be discussing the "War on Terror" that […]

September 1, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 5-11 September

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 5 September to Sunday, 11September from ForesightNews By Nicole Hunt This week is filled with high-profile trials and judgements around the world, kicking off on Monday with six big-name hearings, including several former world leaders: ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, his sons and former Interior Minister […]

August 30, 2011

The week ahead at the Frontline Club: From revolution to escaping Bolivia’s tin mines

Join us tonight as we will bring the focus back to Tunisia and Egypt where the Arab Spring began. We will be discussing how successful these revolutions have been and what more needs to be done before the protesters get their wish for democracy.   Filmmaker John D McHugh will take part in a Q&A following a double-bill screening of Endgame, […]

August 29, 2011

Afghanistan: The mistake was not going in, but not knowing why we were there

If you want to take part in further discussion about the impact of the War on Terror on our world today and how it might shape our future, come along to our FIRST WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: Changing world – conflict, culture and terrorism in the 21st century on Wednesday, 7 September. The decision to go into Afghanistan was […]

August 24, 2011

Afghanistan: the mistakes began on 12 September 2001

  Watch event here. If you want to take part in further discussion about the impact of the War on Terror on our world today and how it might shape our future, come along to our FIRST WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: Changing world – conflict, culture and terrorism in the 21st century on Wednesday, 7 September. The […]

August 23, 2011

Coming up at the Frontline Club: China’s energy pioneers, African Election and Tunisia and Egypt’s revolutions

Tonight’s event on counterinsurgency in the wake of the 9/11 is now fully booked. But there are still tickets available for September’s First Wednesday special where we will be discussing how 9/11 and the War on Terror has defined our world and will continue to shape the future. Tomorrow evening we will be joined by photographer Toby Smith who has recently returned from […]

August 17, 2011

That back to school feeling: talks and screenings to feed your mind in September

There are plenty of talks and screenings at Frontline Club in September to get the grey matter going after the summer season.  At our First Wednesday Special, discuss the cultural and political changes set in motion by the events of 9/11 ten years ago and look ahead to the next decade. We’ll also be discussing extremism, Somalia, photography in […]

September 27, 2010 7:00 PM

THIRD PARTY EVENT Generation’s End: A Personal Memoir of American Power after 9/11

To reserve a seat kindly rsvp to Karyn Caplan at karyn@iwpr.net.
In Generation’s End: A Personal Memoir of American Power after 9/11, Scott Malcomson recalls his time as the New York Times’ op-ed editor during some of the most important events in modern American history. Malcomson, currently foreign editor of the New York Times Magazine, will be joined on stage at this exclusive event at the Frontline Club by New York Time London bureau chief, John F. Burns.

January 3, 2009

Letters Against War, 2002

Tiziano Terzani was the Asia correspondent for German weekly Der Spiegel for over thirty years. The Florentine journalist also wrote for Italy’s respected broadsheets La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera. After a lifetime of activity, he retreated to a secluded corner of the Himalayas. A sudden event and its fatuous analysis by another Italian journalist […]

September 14, 2007

Crystal morning

A few days late on this, linkage from Blogs of war. Emergency services radio and phone calls were taken from publicly released tapes originally recorded on 11 September 2001. The “Melissa” speaking on the phone with an unidentified 911 operator was Melissa C. Doi. The recording of her phone call was originally released during the […]

August 18, 2007

Chechnya – Russia’s “War on Terror”

When three planes smashed into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, few expected Chechnya to feel the impact. But 9/11 probably had the most far-reaching consequences for the Chechens since Stalin deported the entire population to Siberia in 1944. It also saved the career of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose […]