
Friday 2 December 2016, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Expand your factual stories: make them interactive

In the last three years online readership has well surpassed paper consumption, and some major institutions such as the Guardian and the BBC had to create entire new departments to shape their digital future. How has digital media changed the way we communicate our stories? And, more importantly, how can we, as authors, make the most of such changes? This one-day workshop will cover an introduction to interactive storytelling including a practical session where participants will experiment and get an exposure to the full potential of the interactive tools. 

October 9, 2014

The NFB’s hunt for the holy grail of interactive storytelling

By Graham Lanktree Interactive reports that hold short-attention spans online are the holy grail for web editors. Loc Dao, an executive producer and creative technologist at the National Film Board of Canada’s digital studio, has come up with a few recipes for success. At the Frontline Club on Wednesday 8 October, Dao shared the lessons learned […]

Wednesday 8 October 2014, 7:00 PM

Interactive Storytelling – The Medium and the Message

Technological developments have influenced the way stories are crafted. Today, with opportunities offered by new media, stories can be told in a non-linear fashion through different platforms, or made interactive. Do these new technologies truly revolutionise the way we document the world, or merely change the relationship between the maker and the viewer? Award-winning executive producer and creative technologist of the NFB Digital Studio Loc Dao, will explore the possibilities these developments offer through some of NFB’s most innovative projects.

Friday 1 - Sunday 3 March 2013

Between the Lines: breaking boundaries in documenting the world

Between The Lines is a three-day external event taking place at the Rich Mix, exploring the challenges facing documentary makers, investigative journalists and citizen reporters in the new media landscape.