
August 26, 2009

Kandahar Eyewitness Account – Felix Kuehn

It was perhaps twenty minutes after the call to prayer had sounded and we were breaking the fast, sitting on the floor around a plastic sheet with plates of rice and meat, when I was knocked sideways to the ground. It takes a split second till you realize what happened; the shock-wave had blown out […]

August 26, 2009

Felix in Kandahar – Eyewitness Account

Please see the previous blogpost for more on this story, but here is Felix Kuehn (my friend and colleague in Kandahar) on CBC Radio talking an hour or two after tonight’s bombing:   Just press play on the Houndbite bar above.  Felix will be updating his blog and reposting here tomorrow morning when he wakes […]

August 25, 2009

Kandahar City Bombing

I’m sitting in Dubai at the moment so can’t claim to be the man on the ground for tonight’s bombing in Kandahar City.  That dubious honour goes to Felix Kuehn (@felixkuehn on Twitter and www.felixkuehn.com for his blog).  I just spoke to him over the phone and he added some details to the mix: – […]