Screening: Peace vs Justice + Debate

Screening Monday 15 April 2013, 7:00 PM

The screening will be followed by a debate with Barney Afako, Mugambi Kiai and Geoffrey Robertson, moderated by Matthew McAllester.

For more than 20 years, the Ugandan government has been fighting the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) led by Joseph Kony. While his army of child soldiers roams Sudan and the DR Congo, The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague hopes to try Kony one day.

Director Klaartje Quirijns filmed crucial moments in the occasionally painful process at the ICC and managed to lay her hands on rare recordings of the peace negotiations with Kony in the jungle.

She explores the different views of Western values in other countries, illustrated by the situation in Uganda. Peace vs Justice reveals the tension created by the justice offered by the International Criminal Court and the people’s desire for peace.

Directed by Klaartje Quirijns
Duration: 64′
Year: 2012

This screening is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and TIME

NL Embassy