Coffee on the Frontline



Just returning from five days with rebels of the Justice and Equality Movement in Darfur. The trip was a chance to get under their skin and explore their programme for a chapter of my book (Saving Darfur: Everyone’s Favourite African War). I’ll be posting more about the trip in the days to come but in the meantime just a quick one to say that my Peet’s Coffee press mug thing has been performing well in the field.

Its outside shell has cracked from what might best be described as "heavy" driving but it is still producing great coffee that stays hot for a couple of hours (although in 45C temperatures a paper cup might perform just as well). The only thing was that after a couple of days I realised I actually preferred drinking thimble-cups of outrageously sweet tea.

And the turban? Absolutely essential in the dust and heat, ahem.