California reclaimed by Mexico? That’s the Absolut truth

Your humble correspondent was tickled to see this poster advertising campaign running across Mexico City this week.
Absolut’s global advertising agency TBWA, and in this case their Mexican branch TERAN\TBWA, came up with an excellent, geographically specific angle.
The agency makes a play on Mexico’s ambiguous, love/hate relationship with its northern neighbour the United States. A map of the top half of the Americas is displayed, only in this version California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and other northern states remain part of Mexican territory, as it was before Mexico lost out to the US in the Mexican-American war.

Given Mexico’s national sense of pride and the often cited fact that California, as we know it now, once belonged to the Mexicans, the campaign will be warmly and hopefully humorously received south of La Frontera.
MexicoReporter assumes that Absolut is unlikely to run this campaign north of the border, but what if it does?……