The three wise blogs

Not all journalists can blog, some breeze into it, but some just don’t grasp the dynamics. Old blogging journalist hand Adam Tinworth is working on blog guidance for journalists. He spies three key blog types for journalists,

The Expert – If you have a depth of knowledge of your subject and can add genuinely interesting new content which gives the readers the benefit of your expertise, you can add something to the debate already underway around the blogging world… Try
The Aggregator – A blog that focuses around linking to the best content elsewhere on the web returns us to those days: the journalist blogger as guide to the best of the web. The idea here is simple – there’s a heck of a lot of good, interesting writing out there on the web.
The Backgrounder – The published article is only the very tip of the research effort that’s gone into building the story. Some people actually want more than we offer them, more than the limited space a print publication offers. Blogging can offer a solution to this, giving the journalist an opportunity to share additional research, personal impressions and details of the process behind the story. link

I’d add that all three methods could be mishmashmoshed into one blog and enhanced with ‘live’ reporting – which is what I hope we can encourage here at the Frontline Club.
