Taliban continue war against civilian contractors

Civilian construction companies and contractors working for the Canadians in Kandahar suffered another blow today as they were hit in an IED attack in Maiwand district, close to the Helmand border. One labourer was killed and 6 other workers were injured in the attack. The worker who was killed had just said he was going to prepare lunch when the bomb detonated. Canadians are currently working to defuse another IED in the same spot, but the second IED is significantly larger.

This comes after an attack yesterday in which the Taliban killed 3 brothers who were working on a similar project in Zheray district.
The Taliban are angry at the fencification of culverts – small entrances and holes near to bridges – which is preventing them from planting IEDs on the road. They also kidnapped one of the senior staff responsible for culvert work in Shah Wali Kot early last week.
It all adds up to more lives being lost. Most of these aren’t being reported. In fact, you won’t find any reference to the events mentioned above in the international media at all, and probably not even in local media. There are between 50 and 100 people dying each day in southern Afghanistan, I’d reckon, most of whom you won’t read about.

UPDATE: It seems the double IED was intended for the Canadian forces. The labourers just got in the way this time. The man who was killed was standing next to the IED at the time of detonation. His body is now lying in 4 pieces in the Mirwais Hospital in Kandahar City. The other wounded are being treated in hospital as well, including some friends of mine.

UPDATE: Wounded are walking and out of hospital now, although some damage seems to have been done to their eardrums.