Tony Blair

April 16, 2013

Kony and Uganda – Peace vs. Justice? Or a different conversation altogether?

By Jim Treadway On Monday 15th April, the Dutch Embassy and Time magazine partnered to co-organise a screening at the Frontline Club of Peace vs Justice: a documentary about the violence of Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), particularly against children, in northern Uganda. An expert panel discussion followed.

Wednesday 20 March 2013, 8:15 PM

Ten year anniversary of the Iraq War: Have lessons been learned?

Despite hundreds of thousands of people having taken to the streets of London and elsewhere to voice their opposition to military action in Iraq, on 19 March 2003, air strikes on the Presidential Palace in Baghdad began. What followed was a US-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein’s government, and marked the start of years of violent conflict. Ten years on, in a debate chaired by Channel 4 News’ Jon Snow, we will ask: have lessons been learned?

February 17, 2011

What WikiLeaks has told us

Since 2006, the whistleblowers’ website WikiLeaks has published a mass of information we would otherwise not have known.  The leaks have exposed dubious procedures at Guantanamo Bay and detailed meticulously the Iraq War’s unprecedented civilian death-toll.  They have highlighted the dumping of toxic waste in Africa as well as revealed America’s clandestine military actions in […]

August 5, 2009

Mr Blair: Was Jesus Wrong? If So, You Must Be Right by Peter Stanford

 Illustration by Chris Riddell Tony Blair is busy outing himself as a man of God. Which is immediately ironic after all that time during which Blair refused to “do God” – as his media manager Alastair Campbell informed us. Since leaving Downing Street, Blair has used the G-word with a mixture of the fervour and […]

February 16, 2009

Brook Lapping at Frontline

Anyone lucky enough to be at the Frontline Club screenings this past week got reminded about what first rate powerful documentary making is all about. It’s been far too long since we’ve had a blockbuster Brook Lapping series. But Iran & the West is in the best tradition of Death of Yugoslavia and the Russian […]