regional press

April 16, 2009

Events so far…

Before another week passes here’s a round up of the first event I organised for the Frontline Club. For the past month or so I’ve been finishing my time at Press Gazette – before Wilmington closed down the operation – and working part time at the Frontline, so it’s perhaps not surprising that former colleagues […]

April 8, 2009

Live tonight – Is it too late for the local papers?

You can now watch the event here.  We’ll be discussing the fate of the regional press at the Frontline Club tonight. Taking part will be Roy Greenslade, Commentator and Columnist, Jon Slattery, Freelance journalist, William Yarker, Director in Deloitte’s Media Consulting Practice and others. We get started at 7pm GMT /11am PST. If you can’t […]