Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Monday 18th November, 7:00PM

Erdogan Rising: What next for Turkey and the West?

The original modern populist, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a complex, polarising figure who mastered macho divide-and-rule politics a decade and a half before Donald Trump cottoned on. Many believe he has used it to lead his country – a young democracy on the fringe of Europe – into spiralling authoritarianism. As president, he commands a […]

Tuesday 22 July 2014, 7:00 PM

The Battle for Turkey’s Presidency

It is just over a year since protests to save Istanbul’s Gezi Park escalated after being met by an uncompromising stance from the government and a police crackdown. As the protests continue and with the country due to vote in the first round of the presidential elections in early August, we will be bringing together a panel to gauge the political climate. With accusations of cronyism and mass corruption inside the government, we will explore what the protestors are fighting for and how much support they have across the country.

November 30, 2012

Syria and the future of the euro set to dominate world affairs next week

A round up of world news in the week ahead from journalist resource ForesightNews. By Jasper Wenban-Smith, international editor of ForesightNews.

December 8, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 12- 18 December

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 12 December to Sunday, 18 December from ForesightNews By Nicole Hunt US President Barack Obama hosts Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al Maliki for talks in Washington on Monday, with discussions focusing on strengthening the ‘strategic partnership’ between the two countries. The summit comes ahead of a […]