Catherine Ashton

February 15, 2013

Syria’s bloody conflict, fallout from North Korea’s nuclear test, and Italian elections set the scene for another whirlwind week in world news

By Jasper Wenban-Smith, international editor of ForesightNews. A round up of world news in the week ahead from journalist resource ForesightNews. Monday 18 February UN investigators looking into atrocities committed in the Syrian conflict will release their latest report on Monday. The commission chair Paulo Pinheiro and member Carla Del Ponte will discuss the report’s […]

February 8, 2013

Talks between Tehran and Moscow, Obama’s State of the Union, and elections in Ecuador make for another busy international week

By Jasper Wenban-Smith, international editor of ForesightNews. A round up of world news in the week ahead from journalist resource ForesightNews. Monday 11 February Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi is due in Moscow for two days of talks with Russian counterparts, likely to include civil nuclear cooperation as well as the upcoming talks on […]