Reds in Africa III

Fred is a Manchester United supporter

After a flurry of sightings, the Garibaldi Red has not been much in evidence on the continent of Africa recently. Junior Agogo’s exploits at the African Cup of Nations and our promotion last week had led me to believe that it would be a good period for spotting Reds in Africa, one of my side projects. But nothing.
And then this morning, as I popped into the Sarit Centre to check my mail, I bumped into Fred. Breathless with excitement I couldn’t help asking him what reinforcements he’d like to see signed for next season. It wasn’t until we got talking about the Champions’ League final that it dawned on me that Fred was a Man United supporter.
It looks like he’s wearing a bang up-to-date shirt – maybe a training top – and makes me wonder if it ended up in Kenya after being given to a charity shop by a disgusted fan last year after we screwed up our promotion campaign.