Pierre and Alexandra Boulat Grant Announced

Photographer Alexandra Boulat and her father Pierre, a Life magazine photographer, are to be remembered with an annual award created by VII the photo agency. The Pierre and Alexandra Boulat Grant was announced this week and will help fund projects that need to be told,

The annual grant will be made to a photographer whose “story must be told but that cannot find support from within the media.” The Association will also support the education of young photographers. The Association’s board consists of Annie Boulat, the widow of Pierre Boulat and Alexandra’s mother, who is the founder of the picture agency Cosmos in Paris; Gary Knight, of VII Agency; Antoinette Boulat; and Jean-Francois Leroy. link

The Pierre and Alexandra Association will administer the award,

The first Grant will be awarded at Visa pour L’Image in Perpignan 2008 as it was an event
very close to the hearts of Alexandra and Pierre Boulat.
The photographer should submit, no later than July Ist each calendar year, a one page proposal with a portfolio of 20 pictures to prove competency. A first committee would make a pre-selection in Paris and the final decision should be made in Perpignan with a jury of 7 or 9 people chosen among the most important photo editors at Visa pour L’image.
Submissions to: The Alexandra and Pierre Boulat Association Grant Cosmos, 56, Bld Latour Maubourg, Paris 75007 France link