Marcus on MediaStorm, Fred on the frontline

Marcus Bleasdale emails to tell us about a stunning new multimedia package he has produced for MediaStorm. It’s called Rape of a Nation. It includes Marcus’ incredible black and white photographs, interviews with the photographer and video footage. You can watch the 12 minute production by clicking the video above or visiting the MediaStorm site where you read the transcript, the background to the story and email the video to friends. We previously quizzed Marcus about his work in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
In other Congo news… I’m pleased to announce the launch of our latest blog here at fromthefrontline and it’s also from Congo. Please welcome Fred Robarts to the fromthefrontline blog stable. Fred works in Human rights in North Kivu in the DRC. He originally started blogging at Extra Extra, while living and working in the DRC. He helps edit the Africa section of the excellent Global Voices Online. You can find Fred’s frontline blog here.