Lunar New Year in Mexico City

Chinese New Year in Mexico City

The Year of the Ox, the new Chinese lunar year, begins today, and Mexico City’s Chinese community spent the weekend celebrating.

On Friday and Saturday, downtown’s Plaza de la Republica played host
to a festival showcasing Chinese food and culture, dance and martial
arts. And on Saturday, the party took to the streets in a two-hour
parade on Mexico City’s Paseo de la Reforma.

Chinese New Year in Mexico City

— Post created for La Plaza.

Photo, top: Chinese lanterns in Mexico City’s Plaza de la Republica, part of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Photo, bottom: A young boy engraves glass at a stall during
celebrations for Chinese New Year in Mexico City’s Plaza de la
Republica. Deborah Bonello / Los Angeles Times.

Click here for local coverage of Lunar New Year in California.

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