Frontline bloggers at Media140

Tomorrow, I’ll be heading along to Media140. It’s a conference that will look at the impact of Twitter and other social media tools on news coverage and journalistic practice.

I seem to be pretty interested in this sort of stuff. After all, I’ve written a few things on Twitter – its use as a reporting tool in Bangalore; how hashtag conventions might aid journalists; its incorporation into coverage of the G20 protests; and how it wasn’t used in Moldova.

If you’re going to Media140 tomorrow, it would be great to meet you and exchange ideas.

If you’re not interested in what I do, then you might want to talk to fellow Frontline blogger, Guy Degen, instead. He’ll be speaking on a panel entitled ‘Frontline journalism and Twitter’.

(There are rumours that another Frontline blogger will be there as well, but I’m waiting for official confirmation!)