Digital War Reporting

DWRbook.jpgJust flagging up a book to watch out for later this year.

Digital War Reporting is being written by Stuart Allan and Donald Matheson, two authors I’ve already cited on numerous occasions in my PhD.

In the book they explore ‘how new technologies open up innovative ways for journalists to convey the horrors of warfare while, at the same time, creating opportunities for propaganda, censorship and control’.

And they’ll include these topics:

How is the role of the war reporter evolving as digital technologies become ever more prominent?

What is the rhetoric of war in digital journalism? How does an emphasis on liveness, immediacy or realness shape public perceptions of the nature of warfare itself?

Is technology widening the gap between ‘us’ and ‘them’, or are new kinds of empathy being established with distant others as time, space and place are effectively compressed?

Visit Polity for more details and publication dates.