Bourne to Baghdad

[video:brightcove:1026280250] 2008 looks set to host something of a war film mania. Matt Damon is the latest actor to go to war. The star of the Bourne trilogy of films, starts work in Spain today with film director Paul Greengrass and actress Amy Ryan on an as yet untitled war thriller about life in Green Zone in Baghdad. Ryan plays the journalist,

Damon plays an officer who teams with a senior CIA officer to search for evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Ryan will play a New York Times foreign correspondent sent to Iraq to investigate the U.S. government’s WMD claims. Kinnear plays another CIA officer. Antoni Corone has been cast as a colonel. link

The film is inspired by the Washington Post’s former Baghdad bureau chief Rajiv Chandrasekaran‘s book Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone. The video above is of Rajiv talking about life in the green zone at the Frontline Club in June, 2007.