A soldier in Helmand

I’m very pleased to announce the latest addition to the From the Frontline blog stable – the Soldier’s Blog. This is the blog of an anonymous Danish soldier about to deploy to Helmand province in Afghanistan. He’ll be blogging about the daily life of a soldier before and during deployment. He hopes to be able to tell you the story from the soldier’s perspective as opposed to through the eyes of the war reporter. Keep an eye on the blog as he gets ready to head east – it’s also listed below the banner with all the other current blogs. Here’s a taster from his first post,

Though this might be taken as provocative, I think soldiers are motivated to go to war for some of the same reasons as people of the press (and other trades usually found in a conflict zone). You go to war just because it’s there, we want to see it with our own eyes, each man has his own angle, this is what we train for, be it press, military, etc. And for some there is a wish to make a difference, to help other people. link