3,000 Capa negatives unearthed

More than 3,000 Robert Capa negatives of pictures taken during the Spanish Civil War have been found some 70 years later. Capa died in Vietnam in 1954 believing the Nazis had pilfered them from his Parisian digs during the World War II. It turns out a Mexican General/diplomat took them to Mexico in boxes used for chocolates and sweets. They are now in the hands of the International Centre of Photography in New York, originally founded by Robert Capa’s brother, Cornell. The Capa family retain the rights,
“This is the holy grail of Capa’s work.” Brian Wallis, chief curator of the photo museum, told the NY Times. Experts will now examine and catalogue the pictures. Experts from the George Eastman company say the negatives appear to be in remarkably good condition considering they have been in chocolate boxes for so many years, So far they say they have only peeked at the negatives . But already spotted: a picture of Ernest Hemingway. The collection it is hoped may also solve a mystery that has long surrounded Capa’s work in Spain. One of his most famous pictures is that of a Republican militiaman, falling backwards still clutching his rifle, having apparently just been struck in the chest or head by a bullet. The picture created a sensation when it was first published. It evoked strong sympathy for the Republican cause. But was it genuine? Did Capa fake the picture. No negative was ever found at the time. Maybe it’s among the newly-discovered cache. That’s what’s hoped. link