January 19, 2011

In the Picture: Orphaned and Ostracised- HIV in Africa with Carol Allen Storey

Download this episode View in iTunes Watch the event here.  By Antje Bormann Broadcaster Sue Steward introduced Carol Allen Storey as one of the most fascinating photojournalists around. Carol Allen Storey’s photographic career started 10 years ago following a thorough rethink of a successful career in the fashion and beauty industry. Photographs by Edmond Terakopian. […]

January 18, 2011 7:00 PM

In the Picture: Orphaned and Ostracised- HIV in Africa with Carol Allen Storey

“Orphans are Africa’s tsunami” claims photographer Carol Allen Storey, who has documented the lives of orphans in Sub Saharan Africa. Two groups of children provide a focal point for her work. One, a gang of Ugandan youngsters known as the ‘Dustbin tribe’, live and play on a rubbish tip, the other, lucky enough to be in school in Tanzania, are marked out from their classmates with red badges to signify their HIV positive status.