failed state

September 25, 2014

Libya: “A country which seems to be falling apart by accident.”

By Caroline Rogers On Wednesday 17 September, a panel chaired by Channel 4 News’ international editor Lindsey Hilsum, came together to discuss the current plight of Libya; what has gone wrong since the 2011 revolution, whether it really is on the brink of becoming a failed state, and what role the international community should play in pulling Libya […]

Wednesday 17 September 2014, 7:00 PM

Libya: A Failed State?

Is Libya on the brink of becoming a failed state? Three years after Nato-backed rebels overthrew Muammar Gaddafi and the country was held up as the success story of the Arab Spring, Libya is deeply divided. As Libya’s parliament calls for foreign intervention to protect civilians from deadly clashes between rival militia groups, we will be asking what has gone wrong in the country.

September 28, 2011 7:00 PM

Famine and Conflict in Somalia: What can bring relief?

Caught between political instability, conflict and violence, whilst famine and drought destroy the people and the land, there is seemingly little that can be done to bring relief to this failed state. Aid agencies are being criticised for not acting sooner and making provisions for prevention, as the famine and drought in the Horn of Africa were deemed “predictable.” Does the international system need to step up their efforts and produce a coordinated response? And what lessons can we learn for the future about prevention rather than cure?

Join us at the Frontline club with an expert panel to discuss the role of the international system, and what more can be done to bring relief to this war torn famine stricken country.