David Aaronovitch

October 27, 2014

The Future of Journalism: Will we be better informed? Part Two

By Josie Le Blond What is the future of news? Will the public know more or less in the internet age? These questions were the focus of a panel discussion marking the launch of the autumn issue of Index on Censorship magazine at the Frontline Club on Wednesday 22 October. Shrinking international news budgets, bureau […]

October 23, 2014

The Future of Journalism: Will we be better informed? Part One

By Isabel Gonzalez-Prendergast On Wednesday 22 October, the autumn issue of Index on Censorship magazine launched at the Frontline Club. The magazine’s editor, Rachael Jolley, introduced the issue and handed over to author and columnist, David Aaronovitch, who chaired the accompanying debate on the future of journalism. Aaronovitch initiated the discussion by asking each panellist to speak individually on […]

October 5, 2012

Videos and violence – Defending Islam and free speech

By Nigel Wilson The online publication of the Innocence of Muslims video was the catalyst for violent and at times deadly protests in some countries. In the UK the series of events has pushed debates on freedom of expression and cultural sensitivity into the mainstream. For October’s First Wednesday an expert panel took to the […]

July 20, 2012

Leveson’s legacy

As the Leveson Inquiry winds into its final stage, a fractious panel of media commentators came to the Frontline Club to debate the likely and desirable outcomes. The audience were treated to a diversity of opinions on what Lord Justice Leveson’s investigation ought to achieve, but the panel almost reached a consensus on what Leveson […]

January 12, 2011

WikiLeaks: Holding up a mirror to journalism?

View in iTunes Watch the event here.  By Will Spens The Frontline Club’s first ‘On The Media’ event of 2011 was a fascinating discussion focusing on the changing and sometimes wrought relationship between the worlds media and WikiLeaks. The controversial whistle-blowing website has attracted intense worldwide interest following the massive releases of leaked US military […]

January 11, 2011 7:00 PM

On the Media: WikiLeaks – Holding up a mirror to journalism?

Throughout 2010 whistleblower website WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange were making headlines with the release of classified documents. Both the leaks and the controversy surrounding Assange have been covered extensively by the media. For the first On the Media discussion of the year we are going to be putting the spotlight on the media and asking what the WikiLeaks operation and the media coverage of it tells us about the press.