
Wednesday 3 June 2015, 7:00 PM

First Wednesday Preview Screening: The Road to Mosul, VICE News + Panel Discussion

This screening will be followed by a panel discussion with co-director Frederick Paxton and others.
With rare access to the Peshmerga on the front lines of the war against the IS, The Road to Mosul unveils the reality of the Kurds’ war against the group, providing a portrait of ordinary volunteers, poorly trained and equipped, locked in stalemate against a powerful enemy. The film also captures the impact of the war on the civilians caught in between.

Wednesday 6 November 2013, 7:00 PM

First Wednesday: Has NSA spying “reached too far”?

The latest revelations from whistleblower Edward Snowden have further exposed the extent of the US National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance. As pressure mounts on Washington and the release of information continues, join us to explore what the files reveal and the consequences of this diplomatic storm. We will be examining the actions of the intelligence services and asking whether they are aligned with protecting national security or as US Secretary of State John Kerry has said, that in some cases their “actions have reached too far”.