Screening: How To Get Ahead In Africa

Screening 26 November 2007

BAFTA award-winning journalist Sorious Samura shows how in Africa corruption has become normal and accepted, from the poorest slum dweller to the President and everyone in between, even though it’s tearing the continent to pieces.

Despite the billions in western aid pouring in Samura claims Africa is heading into oblivion – but it’s not war, famine and disease strangling development – it’s corruption. How To Get Ahead in Africa is a sober portrait of how modern Africa really works, where the voiceless millions, living in poverty, have had their futures stolen by their corrupt governments, aided and abetted by the West.

“Aid is not an either or question for Africa” Samura says. “It’s desperately needed, but the right sort of aid tied to real political will to tackle corruption. The vast gap between the rich African elite and almost everybody elsewhere is widening and if the West is really serious about ‘making poverty history’ they need to make corruption history first”.

Written & Presented: Sorious Samura
Director: Elizabeth Jones
Executive Producer: Ron McCuallgh        
Producer: George Waldrum