NEW Screening: India’s Missing Girls

Screening Friday 2nd May, 2008

In the summer of 2007 a farmer in southern India found a two-day old baby girl who had been buried alive. Rushed to the local hospital, she miraculously survived. But in today’s India, many other baby girls are not so lucky.

India’s Missing Girls tells the story of the thousands of girls who are killed every year – simply because of their gender. Most are aborted as soon as their sex is determined. Some are abandoned at birth, while others are killed, shortly after.

The disturbing story of this buried baby girl was the starting point for Ashok Prasad’s intimate investigation into why modern India is obsessed with boys. And what the brutal realities of that obsession means for the country’s girls.

The film’s central character is Sandhya Puchalapalli – who runs a children’s home for abandoned girls in the south of India. Sandhya will be attending the screening and joining director Ashok Prasad for a Q&A afterwards.

Directed and Produced by: Ashok Prasad
Executive Producer: Louise Norman