Live tonight – Paul Mason on the financial meltdown


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Tonight we’ll be in discussion with Paul Mason, BBC Newsnight’s Economics Editor, about the financial crisis as we ask the question – Is this the end of the age of greed? Paul will be talking with Michael Wilson, Business Editor of Sky News. As usual, we’ll be livestreaming the event on the Events page and on the Frontline Club live channel. We start at 7pm GMT/11am PST tonight April, 23,

Paul Mason talks about the ongoing financial crisis that has brough the global economy to the brink of depression. Gordon Brown hailed the result of deregulation as the ‘golden age’ of banking in the UK. Mason will give insights into how deregulation is at the heart of the collapse of the banking system in September and October 2008 and how it led to expanded subprime mortgage lending, an uncontrollable derivatives market, and the lethal fusion of banking and insurance.

In his latest book Financial Meltdown and the end of the Age of Greed Mason goes on a journey from the trading floors of the New York and London stock exchange, to the meeting rooms of HBOS and Lehman Brothers and the minds of senior government officials. Meltdown explores the roots of the US and UK’s financial hubris, documenting the real-world causes and consequences, from the Ford factory, to Wall Street to the City of London. link