Docdays Screening at the Curzon Soho: Premiere: An Independent Mind

Talk Sunday 14th September, 2008

As part of Frontline’s continuing successful docdays partnership with Curzon Cinemas we are pleased to present Rex Bloomstein’s new work, An Independent Mind. Here, the director tackles our most basic right – freedom of speech – and assesses how far individuals in different countries will go in order to preserve it.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any  media and regardless of frontiers.” – Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Director’s Statement

“I wanted this to be as global an exercise as possible. It would have been easy to focus on certain  parts of the developing world while ignoring our own Western democracies. But we are also seeing a gradual erosion of this freedom in the West through the broadening in scope of what is deemed  unacceptable speech’. This is an age of extraordinary mass communication, yet Article 19 seems to be an area that is increasingly bitterly contested.”

Length: 89 mins
Year: 2008
Directed by Rex Bloomstein