In the picture with Sean Smith – Iraq in focus: A year on from the ‘surge’
Sean Smith’s work in Iraq has won praise for exposing the pain and suffering of both ordinary Iraqis and US troops, tasked with restoring peace in country falling apart. Here he will present examples of his work and discuss with the Guardian’s diplomatic editor, Julian Borger, the story behind the images as well as where Iraq stands a year on from the controversial ‘surge’ of US troops.
It was whilst in Iraq that Sean started to shoot video footage as well as stills, which resulted in two acclaimed short features: Inside the Surge and Iraq: The Real Story.
Sean received two awards at the prestigious Press Photographer’s Year 2007: Photograph of the Year and Best News photo for his image of a hooded detainee in Hawijah, Iraq. He recently returned from Pakistan where he documented the events running up to the 18 February elections.
For examples of Sean’s work, please see here