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Swashbuckling Adventurers

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This from a recent exam sat by City University journalism students:

In popular legend dating from the Crimean War to the Vietnam War, foreign correspondents had a reputation as swashbuckling adventurers. What is the workaday reality for foreign correspondents today? In what ways have the job, and the typical profile of those doing it, changed?

 Fewer cleft sticks, I suspect.


Andrew | August 26, 2009 10:19 PM | Reply

"What is the workaday reality?" Well last night I came in from the Khartoum front line and watched 5 episodes of Gavin & Stacy

Rob Crilly replied to comment from Andrew | August 28, 2009 1:25 PM | Reply

I remember realising that things had got really bad during the Kenyan election violence when The Tamarind restaurant ran out of fresh crab.

Tamar | August 29, 2009 9:28 AM | Reply

ammmm, swashbuckling? I was drinking coffee in the YMCA after covering the checkpoints....

What do you think?